Country: United Kingdom
Year: 2017

Video edit and motion graphics, original Cushn theme written and produced, Social Media teasers with theme remixes.

CUSHN approached ecd-sign with a simple video editing request.
In return ecd-sign proposed an extra in the work requested: turn the video editing into a Social Media advertising campaign.
Throughout the brand’s launch month, weekly social media videos introduce the company’s ethos and product range, inviting them to visit CUSHN’s website and view the full length video.
Comprising of the original requested full length video plus three short (15 second) video teasers, an original track was created to match the video action. The song was in return remixed to have an individual track for each piece, unifying the campaign while giving individual identity to each video.
A change of colours plus the audio remixes work together to solidify the identity, providing different footage to promote the brand whilst keeping unity throughout the campaign, without boring the target audience as a single video on regular rotation would.

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