Interactive art installation
Coountry: Global
Year: 2021

There′s an expression going to the like of ″love moves mountains″.
Touch is an essential part of love - it’s the language of reproduction: physical contact.
Touch got forbidden during the pandemic, thus for single people, the sense of touch became almost null.
Touch implies friction: both on the skin but also within people, relationships. This piece represents the results of friction: the hand rubbing against the canvas, the canvas translating this contact into forming mountains.
Just like mountains seem to be still, they grow and become as a result of touch. Even if it’s invisible and appears to be still.
A result of a creative exchange with friend, architect and fellow artist Javier de Paepe during our shared-studio experience. Circa January 2021.
The visuals come from a paper sketch by Javi, the interaction concept and the sounds reflect my feelings at the start of the pandemic, much like a long roaring thunder in the distant background, a reflection in sound of inner feelings surging from the lack of touch.

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